We are the


sent to the


Matt. 9:37

The vision for The Few Ministries comes from a place where we see ourselves able to serve well alongside what others are already doing. We have found ourselves in roles equipping others, developing cultures, training leaders, establishing honor, personal discipleship, and specific mentorship.

Matthew 9:37 is a revelatory verse for us in our lives. The Lord woke us up, to work. He has called us to various “fields” to help bring in what others have grown. We have a deep desire in our spirits to show honor to the visions that God has given those that we serve with. This God given desire allows us to establish a culture that exudes honor as we train others to walk in their callings.

Our mission is salvation. It really is that simple. We desire to show the love of God to every individual that our ministry brings us in contact with. We want them to see every attribute of God at work in our lives no matter the capacity at which we are serving.

We serve in varying degrees in multiple ministries, in multiple cities, states, and now countries. We are honored and humbled by the experiences we have been blessed with in a short time on this journey. We are honored that you found yourself here reading about what the Lord is allowing us to do.

If we have not met yet, please reach out to us so that we can get to know you.



  • We are the Pulaski Family. We have a small ranch in central Tx. where we thought the Lord had us well rooted to work for Him in that place geographically, and we had relinquished all “ownership” of it to Him for that to be fulfilled. However, right now we are working out the logistics to honor the call to take His ministry through our testimony to Israel to aid in the acute trauma they are facing in this current generation of sons and daughters, and the “post” trauma that has been carried in the previous generations of mothers, fathers, grandmothers, and grandfathers. The Lord is making miraculous connections and exposing incredible opportunity to bring hope to HIS people. We are a veteran family that was affected by PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) for 14 years (ask us about it). God is the only reason that Stephanie endured, and that Jake walks in complete healing physically, mentally, and spiritually. Now we know this is our “Family Mission”, along with the Freedom Fighter Foundation whom we are honored to work with; to truly bring FREEDOM from all of the negative effects unresolved trauma brings into families and to establish longevity in new life through Biblical Mentorship.

  • Jacob grew up in a small town in central Texas and joined the Marine Corps from there in 2005. In 2006 he received a “random” email from Stephanie and they began their journey of getting to know one another while he was stationed in Okinawa. Fast Forward nearly two years and after they got married Jacob was deployed to Iraq. When he came back, he was not the same and the physical development of his TBI was what first started to cause complications. Long story short, Jacob in 2021 had trouble going from the bedroom to the living room to sit in his chair at night sometimes Stephanie would have to help him. Their marriage was one of principle and not relationship and love, and there was no sight of relief. BUT GOD in Dec. 2021 came and met Jacob in his shop, showed him that he IS God’s people, and transformed him into who he was always meant to be physically, mentally, and spiritually.

    There is so much more to this and all of our stories that we LOVE to share so please reach out if you are interested and have time on your hands.

  • Stephanie grew up in a military family which allowed her to travel a lot as a child. She has always enjoyed teaching children and being a part of children’s ministry. Her first job was teaching English in Japan. Japan has a special place in her heart because that is where her and Jacob were married in 2007. As a married couple they fought together the effects of TBI and PTSD for 14 years. Stephanie and Jacob are passionate to resolve the burden and pain military families carry due to trauma. Stephanie did not lose hope in God, she knew Jacob would be restored and made whole. She knows that God is the only reason they are able to stand where they were broken and share this testimony of His goodness that is for everyone. It is a blessed life for Stephanie and Jacob to get to wake up, stand up, and walk with God’s children.

  • Izzy is 8 years old and you will not meet anyone in this world with a bigger heart than she has. She is truly the kindest person we know. She is always thinking of others and often has deeper theological questions than we are prepared for which leads to great conversations. She loves animals, drawing, riding mountain bike trails, and jumping on the trampoline. She is an amazing big sister, although sometimes we have to remind her, she is not the mom. To know Izzy, is to be blessed.

  • Maddy is almost 3 so she does not have much to say here right now. But we know as she grows older, she will have so much to share. She is adventurous, fearless, and wholehearted. She brings such a fun and energetic dynamic to our family.

  • Freedomfighterfoundation.org

    The Freedom Fighter Foundation was founded by two visionaries Danny Mcdaniel and Shade Bounds. They exist to break cycles of family dysfunction and establish generational legacy for Veterans, First Responders, and their families that are affected by PTSD due to combat service and line of duty trauma. The “HUB” of everything they do revolves around establishing deep relationships and active discipleship.


The Lord laid on our heart “100 at $100”. Which is ten thousand dollars a month. It will cost us about $7000 to live and minister in Israel. Which leaves us $3000 a month that we can sow into families needing relief. There is no VA disability supplementing income for a mom or dad to take a few days off of work for spiritual, mental, or even marital health. We want to be able to bring this opportunity with us so that we can spend intentional time intensely ministering love and Truth to families.

If the Lord leads you to give in any financial capacity, you can do so by clicking “give” below.


If you would like to connect to be encouraged, encourage us, want to say “hello”, or have questions about our ministry please do not hesitate to reach out below.

Follow our journey!